Sunday, November 7, 2010

Babble Babble

Last night Jeffrey and I stayed up all night so we wouldn't have to wake up early for the annual compliance meeting. Not our best idea. After the meeting and a quick nap we took Raylen to a birthday party at prince's roller rink. She had a blast and we very much enjoyed all the kids busting their faces. hahah- I know, we're terrible. I then decided we should go on a date. We went to outback and then through a huge ordeal involving two different theaters and about 20 minutes waiting in line. Finally we saw Due Date. H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. that is all. 

My feelings were good all day, thank god. Its so rare a day where I'm not upset for at least some part of the day. I love dating my fiance. Everytime we're together I remember why I chose him. I hope that I always will. I want so badly for us to already be married and living together.. ALONE. I've started talking to an old friend the past few days again. Not the friend I mentioned forgiving, a different friend. Reconnecting with old friends makes me happy. Its like reconnecting with an old lost version of myself. I love getting to do that, because theres a lot I miss about old me. The way I had no worries, and no stress, and could brighten anyone's day because I could always find the bright side of things. That was before i'd ever had to worry about how I was going to pay this bill, or where i would find money for something simple like shampoo or food. Growing up sucks, and ignorance is bliss. I hope my children listen when I tell them those are their glory days.

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