Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sick babies, babies, and books

Don't get to excited I'm not sure this will be much of an update. I'm really tired. Last night at one AM terri got a hold of us and said the babies were running really bad fever and she wanted to go to the ER. Don't judge we really aren't the kind of people to be like, "OMG a runny nose! Lets go to the emergency room!" High fevers just scare us since my dad died of meningitis. We had an AWFUL experience. We were there for eight hours just to find out it was the flu and they could do nothing about it. Taryn has been having trouble breathing though so we got her checked out for pneumonia which was negative, thank god. I got home at ten AM and went to sleep until  six thirty. Shame on me. I'm still exhausted though so I know that I can sleep early tonight too. When I woke up Raylen hadn't been feeling good so I took her temperature. She had 103.4! So we went and got her medicine and apple juice and I've been force feeding her popsicles. Lol. Shes really enjoying being babied though. As if she never is- whatever! She then drew me a valentines day card. You know how kids are, holidays last days or weeks to them. It was a picture of me and her and we were standing on dasies. When you open it we're holding hands and there are fire works and she wrote "my favorite auntie." I almost cried. I'm keeping it forever. I love that little girl so much. We found out that we are indeed having another nephew. Shannon and Kenny are five months along, and its a boy. I'm excited for another new baby to love and I hope that sooner rather than later everything will work out with us because I need to be around that baby and love it to pieces like I do Jade, Raylen, Harley, Kameron, Dominic, and Taryn. The only other thing I have to talk about is my new obsession with Dc Universe online. Its amazing. Jeffrey got it for his birthday and we've been playing it its so much fun. I highly reccomend it. Now I'm off to check for a place online where maybe I could trade books for books. I know they have a website like that for movies. I can't afford to keep up with my reading habit. Books are expensive and I go through them too fast. Thats all for tonight. Bon Soir.

1 comment:

  1. try to find a used book store. i got like five books for under $20.
