Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gun muffs, gumption, and a lot of gall

I've been really busy the past few days. That means I've been at home (my mom's house) and working alot. I've also been doing my online classwork. That really random cold front came through and Terri's house was too cold for the babies so they came to stay. It was really nice spending time with my favorite mckeegans. Kendall didn't come stay though and I felt so bad for him in their cold house all alone :( I just haven't had any energy/time to update. I did miss the venting though. I haven't gotten any good sleep for days. Kameron snores like a full grown man, and that sound just gets under my skin. Two nights into them staying Terri came up with a genius idea for me to get to sleep. Gun muffs. Yes, I mean ear muffs you wear at the gun range/race track when you're little. They look like this. It was uncomfortable at first but once it was quiet I slept like a baby. Jeffrey made jokes about me keeping them for when we're married. Yeah, no. He'll need to get surgery or something first. It was nice having Taryn live with me for a few days. It felt like when Kameron was a newborn and I'd come home from college while Terri lived at home. It was nice to have that experience with her too. I feel like I know her routine and her schedule and her more now. Works just been awful. I HATE the people I work with. I don't know how much more I can take of that job. A job at sonic is not worth that much stress and blatant disrespect I deal with. I'm very much looking for a new job. What sucks is that I'm not going to make the kind of money I make here anywhere else unless I can get a waitressing job somewhere. I have work again early tomorrow and I'm dreading it. They've sent me home crying two times in the past three days. Thats not okay. I hate that they think they can talk to me the way they do, and that I need my job bad enough to take it. I'm really tired so I guess I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.                                                                     


  1. they make nose strips for snoring. coy snores. ugh.

  2. i know he says hes not wearing one every night.
