Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jibber Jabber

Saying Jibber Jabber reminds me of jar jar binks. How big of a nerd am I? Anyways... I know you regular readers are about ready to bitch slap me. I do apologize, the past few days have been jam packed, and I've been utterly exhausted. You haven't missed much though. In the past week I've taken two tests at school, and today in class I performed two EKGs. It was fun playing doctor. I've almost got a job. I'm not proud, I mean who would be of village pizza and seafood, right? but I'm so desperate for a job, I'll take what I can get. :) The guy already told me he would hire me, he needs help and I used to work there. I've been three times and every time he hasn't had any applications but just told me to come in saturday for an interview. I guess I'll just be signing paper work and stuff though because he already said. I don't know.. I just hope it goes through I prayed the whole way home from school for help finding a job. So I've kicked ass at school this week, and almost secured a job. Yesterday mom decided Terri and I could use a pick me up and that she would pay for us to get our hair done. We both wanted to get shadow boxes and red mixed in with the blonde. It looks good. :) and I do feel much better. Today all I did was stub the hell out of my pinky toe! It hurts when my sock touches it. ugh if its not one thing its the other. Thats basically all tonight. I promise to go back to writing consistantly. I feel tons better when I do.

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