Thursday, January 20, 2011

Because the night

Has been stuck in my head like all day, and I can't figure out why. Also nothing happened today. I went to work and I only had to stay about three and a half hours. That was nice. I'm still all pissy about what I talked about yesterday. Life goes on though. I still haven't taken care of any of the things I am supposed to yet. Theres something wrong with me. I asked Greg where the heck my paycheck was and he said he didn't know we would figure it out tomorrow. Whatever. I go in early tomorrow which sucks because I'll have to work through the lunch rush and happy hour. Its awesome though because I kill in tips when I work 11-5. Also I usually don't work with Stacey from 11-5 which means I'll have nice managers.You know what else I hate? When the top end of the remote is pointing at me. It freaks me out. It like sends rays to the tv to change channels and stuff, and I'm scared that when its pointing at me it is sending rays at me. I know thats stupid considering there is laptop in my lap and I talk on a cell phone. Jeffrey makes fun of me for that all the time. Speaking of him, he made roast and potatoes tonight for dinner. It was really good. Hes so great at everything. I love him. Thats all I have to say for now. Maybe I'll have more tomorrow. I'm about to get off here and watch my show then go to bed. Nighty-night babies.


  1. the remote thing is funny lol , but then again you have always been cute and silly and thats what i love about u . see u friday more then likely .

  2. i hope soo!!!! i'll have to see if i'm off. :)

  3. so i actually remembered that you had a phobia of the remote pointing at you. strange huh? lol
