Sunday, April 17, 2011

Again with the verbal whiplash

Or is it textual whiplash? You know, since i'm not really SPEAKING, but typing? Anywhoo, Yes, I do realize how long its been since I've done this. It feels foreign to me right now. Lots of things have happened and changed since I last wrote. I'll do my best to fill you in. Where do I begin? I guess with my last post. Things with Shannon have been getting better over time. We're still not best friends, but we are friends I think. Its nice not to have any tension. I didn't need that source of stress anymore. We've changed our minds about wedding plans AGAIN. I know, I can just see you shaking your head on the other side of the screen. Don't judge me. Its a big choice. We both want a ceremony! We have officially decided to marry on the beach of south padre island. We will make sure our immediate family makes it even if we have to pay, Any one else that wants to come can pay for themselves to get there. We will then leave from padre to our honeymoon. We are thinking we want to take a cruise. Probably for like five days, then come home to baytown and have a small reception for everyone who couldn't make it to the ceremony. I like this plan a lot. :D It totally doesn't hurt that this way we get an entire week of wedding-ness. :) I'm still doing school. Le-Sigh. Ugh. Its dragging on, and I'm unhappy doing it. I don't feel like I'm not learning as much as when I went into school. I'm pondering putting school on hold until I get my check and can afford to go back to school. Thoughts? Hmm.. what else? Taryn is turning six months old at the end of the month. I can't even believe it. Shes growing up so fast. Mom says I've lost weight. I can't tell, but if mom thinks you're fat she WILL tell you. I'm hoping shes right. I've been trying a lot lately. I've also seen more of my friends this month than I have in the past year. I like that. I didn't realize how much I missed companionship. I mean I have that in Jeffrey of course, but its different. I'd really like to spend A LOT more time with my friends, so if y'all are reading this, lets make some plans. Free plans albeit, but plans none the less. Jeffrey and I plan on going to my church in the morning. I hope we really do go because I'm excited about that. Its already getting late though so I don't know. Thats all for tonight kids. Hope and pray I can keep this up. :) Later, babies!

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