I figured since I've been happy, sad, hopeful, extremely optimistic, hateful, and shared a terrible amount of personal information here, this post should be allowed. I've been thinking lately of all the things I want to do in my life. So why not compile a list here? Keep in mind these are in no specific order, and are meant to happen over my lifetime. (I intend to add onto this list)
Get married to Jeffrey
2. Start a family. 2-3 kids.
3. Buy a house.
4. Travel all over Europe.
- France
- England
- Poland
- Italy
- Germany
5. See the smithsonian museum.
6. Tour the white house.
7. Visit New york.
8. Visit Jamestown, Virginia.
9. Visit Salem, Massachusetts.
10. Own a VW beetle! I always wanted one. I'd love to at least see my daughter driving one.
11. Stay best friends with my nieces and nephews.
12. Shoot a compound bow.
13. Learn to make sushi.
14. Travel to Greece.
15. Try fencing.
16. Learn to sew.
17. Raise my family in the baptist church.
18. Own one pair of manolo blahniks.
19. Scuba dive.
20. Get back to "high school skinny."
21. See the Grand Canyon.
22. Love my self completely.
23. Make something beautiful and lasting.
24. Get the phonecall that I'm a match for the blood marrow donor list I am on.
25. Go zip-lining!
26. Learn to dance.
27. Be able to laugh at myself.
28. Make my dad proud.
29. Take a skiing lesson.
30. See a volcano.
31. Have a family portrait
32. Spend New Year's in an exotic location.
33. Find a cause, and dedicate myself to it.
34. Drive on the autobahn.
35. Grow and maintain a garden.
36. Ride in a hot air balloon.
37. Eat a fish I've caught.
38. Visit all 50 states. So far I've visited:
- Texas
- Louisiana
- Oaklahoma
- California
- Florida
- Nebraska
- Georgia
- Kansas
- Arkansas
- Missouri
39. Walk on the Great Wall of China.
Swim with dolphins.
41. Have a conversation with a parrot.
42. Practice meditation. At least once or twice.
43. Learn to draw.
44. Build a working piece of furniture.
45. See a man walk on mars.
46. Attend a wine tasting.
47. Take an Alaskan cruise.
48. Try escargot.
49. Learn to golf, so I can play with Jeffrey and Kirk.
50. Go horseback riding more often.
51. Learn a string instrument.
52. Volunteer at a hospital.
53. Fly first class at least once.
Fly in a helicopter.
55. Ride on a motorcycle, again.
56. See a show on Broadway.
57. Finish school.
58. Buy my mom a new car.
59. Be fluent in french.
60. Have a library in my home.